The Executive Team

There’s nothing I really wanted to do in life that I wasn’t able to get good at. That’s my skill.

Gatatem Habib

Designer, Creator, Engineer. Surrounds himself with the best team possible to bring you the best products and support possible.

Aeval Habib

Co-Creator, graphic designer and brainstorming new concepts to bring the most innovative products Second Life has seen in years.

Cyn Hellershanks

A Writer, is in charge of showing you a picture through words while the editor in her makes sure you understand it all.

Anath Orellana

Creating photos for products is no easy task. Anath's task is to bring our products to life for your viewing pleasure.

Alex Morningstar
Sr. Software Engineer

Putting all the nuts and bolts together, making our products as safe and secure as you can expect from all of our products.


For quickest response, please use Habib Creations Group for all support related questions or issues. If you do not get a reply in a reasonable amount of time, Feel free to click the links above to contact Gatatem or Aeval in world