General FAQ's
When you buy a copy of "Seductive Sensations", you receive a copy of a Spank Prop and a Universal Prop Hud (free with every Suit purchase). If you are only buying props to use on your partner, you will only need to buy the props you want to use and Universal Prop Hud. If your partner has purchased props you do not have, you will also be able to use those props to leave marks. However, you will not have a physical prop to wear in your hand. The only props that can be used to leave marks on the suit wearer, must be owned by either the prop user or the suit wearer. If neither of you own the prop, that prop mark will not show on the suit wearer.
YES: If you have any issues, please ask all questions in Habib Creations support group and we will answer as quickly as possible. If we can't walk you through it, you are able to add an admin as an "Owner" on your Suit Hud. This gives us the ability to access your settings on the server. With this access, we can go into your settings and change them for you.
WARNING: Do not make anyone Owner, unless you trust that person or they are part of Habib Creations Staff. All staff members accounts are listed on the website here and posted in the store for your safety.
YES: All you need to do is Click the "Owner" button on your Suit Hud, click "Remove" button in the blue dialog box that pops up. Then select the name you want to remove.
Suit FAQ's
  • Attach your Seductive Sensations Suit
  • Attach your Seductive Sensations Suit Hud
  • If the Hud is minimized, Click the + to open the Hud
  • Find and click the "Config" button and left click it.
  • A dialog box (blue box in top right corner) with the option "Go to Page" will appear.
  • Click "Go to Page" which will direct you to your Online Dashboard web page.
  • Once you finish making your changes, Click the "Save" Button, at the bottom of the form.
  • Once you're done, the updates will automatically be sent to your suit and you are good to go. If you are on a laggy Sim proceed to the next step.
  • Once you're done, go back to Second Life and click the "Syncronize" button (Next to the "Config" button)
  • In the blue dialog window, you can select any of the following:
    • Settings
    • Blacklist
    • Whitelist
    • Ownerlist
Before you start, when editing the notecards, please be sure to use #SUIT for the name of the person wearing the suit and #PROP for the name of the person using the prop. If you want to add an 's then it would be #SUIT 's and #PROP 's a space between #SUIT and the 's. You would have received a copy of the Chat Installer with your suit purchase.
  • Attach your Seductive Sensations Suit Hud
  • If the Hud is minimized, Click the + to open the Hud
  • Find and click the "Config" button and left click it.
  • A dialog box (blue box in top right corner) with the option "Go to Page" will appear.
  • Click "Go to Page" which will direct you to your Online Dashboard web page.
  • On the menu on the left (Quick Links), "click Emote Cars"
  • Here you will find a list of notecards (Male and Female) of all the props we currently have in production.
  • Find the notecard you want to edit (make sure you edit the notecard that corresponds with your suit gender (M or F)) and click the Pencil icon to edit.
  • Make the changes you want in the notecard fields and click Save (At the bottom).
  • When you click "Save" (bottom of the form), you will be redirected to the top of the page with a message "Your changes have been saved". Click the OK button.
  • On the left Menu, click Emote cards again to be taken to the list of the notecards.
  • Click the paper icon of the Emote Card you made changes to, to be taken to a page with all the data that Emote Card needs.
  • Follow the instructions on this page which explains how to add the data into your Suit.
The differences in the various Lists.
  • Blacklist is a list of people you never want to play with you, even if your suit is set to public mode. Like blocking someone in Second Life.
  • Whitelist is a list of people you trust and can play with you, whether your suit is set to Public or Private Mode.
  • Owner List is the same as Whitelist, but this list of people can change your settings in your Dashboard. Only add these people if you fully trust them. They can be removed at anytime.
How to Add people from the various Lists.
  • Open the Player's Profile that you want to add to your List.
  • Highlight and copy their UUID.
  • On your Seductive sensations Suit Hud, click the list you want the person added to.
  • In the blue dialog popup, Paste the UUID and click "Submit".
  • You will get a message in local chat that this user has been added to this list.
How to Remove people from the various Lists.
  • On your Seductive Sensations Suit Hud, click the list you want to remove this person from.
  • In the blue dialog popup, Select the name of the person you want to remove.
  • You will get a message in local chat that this user has been Removed from this list/li>
  • On your Seductive Sensations Suit Hud, click the "Config" button
  • In the blue popup dialog box, click "Go to Page"
  • On your web "Dashboard" Find the heading "Fade"
  • This is where you change your settings.
  • NOTE: 1 = 1 second, 600 = 10 minutes, 3600 = 1 hour
  • Decide how long you want the texture to stay in minutes and multiply that by 60
There can be 2 things that may cause this issue.
  • You're Notecard "Emote Card" did not get the correct codes. This can cause names to not display correctly.
  • You added the wrong UUID's for your sounds.
  • You've accidently turned your suit off.
  • Someone that is trying to play with your suit has been placed on the Blacklist
  • You've set your suit to "Private" and the person/People trying to play with you are not on your whitelist.
If you've tried all the above, post the issue in Habib Creations support group and one of the moderators will gladly help you.
Open your "Seductive Sensations" Suit Hud. You will see a diagram of all the body parts that are available. These will all be amber when you first start. Click any part and this will turn gray. When the part is gray, anyone not on your Whitelist or Owner list, will not be able to touch those areas. People set as Owners or Whitelist, will be able to touch all areas.
  • On your Seductive Sensations Suit Hud, click the "Config" button
  • In the blue popup dialog box, click "Go to Page"
  • On the menu on the left (Quick Links), select "Prop Access"
  • Set any prop you do not want to off.
By default all props are set to ON. But we have made it easy enough for you. All props that are currently being sold and all props we plan on making, are all listed for you. Simply go through the list and turn off the ones you do not want used. Not even people on your Whitelist will be able to use these props on you. NOTE: Owners will not be able to change the Prop Access settings.
On the website "Emote Card Dashboard" near the bottom, you will see "Reset Defaults". Click that button and your Emote Card will be restored to the original text.
On the website "Dashboard" near the bottom, you will see "Reset Defaults" Click that button and your Emote Cars will be restored to the default wording.
Prop and Universal HUD FAQ's
When you purchase a new Prop, add the purchased item and click the "Unpack" button. Once you have unpacked it, it weill automatically be added as an available prop to your Prop HUD"
You can only access other peoples props if you have purchased the Universal Prop Hud. So assuming you are wearing your Universal Prop Hud, select the person you want to play with. Once you have select the person, any hud they own, will now also display on your Universal Prop Hud.
Yes, there are 2 things you can set/change for each Prop.
  1. You can change the sounds that each prop makes in your Dashboard.
    • On the Universal HUD, click the "Config" button.
    • In the blue dialog window, click "Go to Page".
    • You should now be on the online "Dashboard" find the left menu "Quick Links" and click the "Edit" button for the propp you want to edit.
    • The first 3 lines are for sound UUID. Replace each one with the sound you want.
    • Each row is for a different sound from Tender to Hard. Make sure you don't switch them and end up with louder sounds for "Tender" and soft sounds for "Hard".
  2. The last row is for How fast the Prop leaves marks on the body. The default for most Props is one (1) which is explained below.
    • One (1) is the setting for the "Hard"" hit. Which means when the Hud is set to hit "Hard" it only takes one (1) hit to leave a mark. It will take the "Firm" two (2) hits and the "Tender" 3 hits to leave a mark.
    • Zero (0) will leave a mark on the first hit at any level. These are usually reserved for some of tyhe planjned Props as well as the Kiss prop, but they can be used for and and all props you decide.
    • If you increase this setting to two (2), then it will take 2 hits on the "Hard", four (4) for "Firm" and six (6) hits on Tender. The more you increase the number, all other hit levels double.
Simply put, as the term implies, it is your favorite people to play with. It might be your partner or someone in a club that you anjoy playing with and teasing.
  • Adding someone to your Favorites
    • To add someone to your "Favorites" list, Simply click the button on the HUD.
    • On the blue dialoge popup, Select "add".
    • For the next window of the dialog menu, open the other players' profile and copy the UUID (long series of numbers and letters near the top of the profile) and paste it into the blue dialog window and select "Submit".
  • Removing Someone from your Favorites.
    • Click the "Favorites" button on your HUD to get the blue menu.
    • Click the "Remove" button.
    • Slelect the user from the list of names.
  • To select one of your favorites.
    • Click the "Favorites" button on your HUD.
    • From the blue menu, choose "Select"
    • Select the number that corresponds with the name of the person you want to choose. Clicking the name will display the player's profile but does not select them to play with.
There are 2 ways to play with others. The are both listed and exp[lained below].
  1. The first is by scanning for people in the area that have the suit on.
    1. On the Prop HUD, click the "Nearby" button which will scan for anyone within 20m that has a suit and is set to public or have added you to their "Whitelist".
    2. In the blue menu popup, you will see a list of names.
    3. Click any name and in local you will see "Connected to XYZ Resident".
    4. Click on the prop icon on your Prop HUD that you want to use with this person.
    5. Once you have selected a partner and a prop, the Prop HUD will then switch to a body view.
    6. Click any part of the suit diagram and you're on your way. Have fun :)
  2. The second way is through Favorites (This is assuming you already have people on your Favorites' list).
    1. Click the "Favorites" button on your Prop HUD.
    2. In the blue menu popup, click "Select"
    3. On the next menu that appears, click the name of the user to view their profile or click the number button that coincides with their name.
    4. Click any name and in local you will see "Connected to XYZ Resident".
    5. Click on the prop icon on your Prop HUD that you want to use with this person.
    6. Once you have selected a partner and a prop, the Prop HUD will then switch to a body view.
    7. Click any part of the suit diagram and you're on your way. Have fun :)