Introducing the Parts

Your Seductive Sensations suit is designed to be the ultimate in visual experience for any types of marks you may get in real life. From scratches, to lipstick, to bruising and everything in between. The only thing you have to do is attach your suit and it's set to go. However, you can modify all the settings by clicking the "Config" button on your Suit hud and going to your online "Dashboard". Here you will be able to adjust all your setting options including change the sounds that come from your suit. If there is any setting you do not understand, simply place your cursor over the title (Label) of the option and you will see tooltip of what the setting does. Simply adjust the setting accordingly. If you make changes and it's not what you expected, you can always restore the settings to their default configurations.
For more information, Please see our "FAQ's" Pages.

Suit Hud

The Suit Hud comes comes with the suit. Your basic options and settings you may want to change frequently, are also located on your Suit Hud. Settings such as Public/Private mode, Hit Level, Whitelist, Blacklist, and Owner can all be changed from the Hud. When you make changes on the hud, they are sent to your dashboard for safe keeping. When you make changes on the Dashboard, Make sure you click the "Syncronize" button on the suit hud. You will also see a body shape that corresponds with your suit body type. This is where you can enable/disable certain parts of the body to not be touched, when in public mode. Remember, people on your Whitelist, can touch any part, any time, even if turned off by you. You will also see a list of all Props we currently have and Plan on creating in the near future. By going to your dashboard, you can also set which Props you will allow to be used on you as well as which props are forbidden.
For more information, Please see our "FAQ's" Pages.

Universal Prop Hud

Each Suit and or Prop purchase comes with the Universal Prop HUD but you only need 1 (one) hud. The Universal Prop HUD displays all the props that you own as well as all props we currently plan on releasing. Once they are released, they will highlight on your HUD as available. But they can not be used unless you own them. Through THIS Hud, you will able to access your online account and settings. The settings will allow you to change the sounds that your Props (props you own) make as well as how many hits each prop takes to leave a mark on the suit. An example of these settings would be that if you set the Hit level on the Spank Prop to 1, this means when using the "Hard" setting, a mark will display with just 1 hit, while it will take 2 for "Firm" setting" and 3 for the "Tender" setting. The more advanced feature of the "Universal Prop HUD" is that it will also allow you to use the props of the person you are currently playing with. For example, if you own 3 Props but the Suit wearer you are playing with has4 props you do not own, their props will become available to you to use on them. Remember, these props will only be available to use on on that indivudual. Once you change who you are playing with, the first player's props are no longer available but the new players' will be.
For more information, Please see our "FAQ's" Pages.