Seductive Sensations - API Reference
API Reference

Seductive Sensations API Code

    • Send code: 7337
    • Reply Code: 7367
    • To verify if your command succeeded, you can check for reply.
    • In case of error, a brief error message is there.
    • Verification is recommended in case of certain operations.
    • integer=7337 (send code)
    • string=command
    • key=parameter
      • Example:
        • llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 7337, "SEL_PROP", "Crop");
    • command: SET_PROP
      • param: Prop Type Title (case insensitive; care for spelling)
      • Notes: Loads prop configuration data from the server for use until another prop is selected.
      • Reply: Prop Type name.
    • command: GET_PROP
      • Reply: CSV of Prop Title, Number of Hits to Opaque
  • command: SET_TARGET
    • param: Target UUID
    • Notes: Verifies connection to player suit depending on distance (<20 meter) and suit being attached, on and accessible.
    • Reply: CSV: Suit Gender (male/female), Maximum hit intensity allowed.
      • Errors:
        • If suit is not in range: dnf
        • If suit didn't respond due to configuration or otherwise and command timed out: timeout
  • command: GET_TARGET
    • Reply: CSV of Suit UUID, Suit Gender, Hit level allowed by suit
  • command: HIT
    • param: Body Part Code, Hit Level, (optional)Alpha Hits
      • Notes:
      • Reply: If the hit is sent to the suit, response is SENT
    • Errors:
      • If an invalid body part is send, response is BODYPART
      • If hit value is not 1 through 3 (inclusive), response is HIT
      • If suit is out of range, response is DNF
  • command: SET_SOUND
    • param: TRUE/FALSE (integer/bool)
    • Reply: SET
Body Parts/Arms
  • al1 = Arm-Left
  • al2
  • al3
  • ar1
  • ar2
  • ar3
Body Parts/Front

This application must be completed in full for you to be considered for the Seductive Sensations API

Body Parts/Back

This application must be completed in full for you to be considered for the Seductive Sensations API

Body Parts/Legs

This application must be completed in full for you to be considered for the Seductive Sensations API